Make it with Maya computer animation software

Maya® 3D animation, modeling, simulation, and rendering software provides an integrated, powerful toolset. Use it for animation, environments, motion graphics, virtual reality, and character creation.


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  • Image courtesy of Red Layer Guitars
    My journey to "Blade Runner 2049"

    Learn how VFX Supervisor Richard Hoover and the team at Framestore Montreal pulled off some of the most visually compelling VFX shots filmgoers have yet to see.

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  • Image courtesy of Red Layer Guitars
    Wakes, crowds, and destruction in Game of Thrones

    Since Mackevision began work on Game of Thrones, they’ve witnessed the series explode to epic proportions regarding both production and popularity.

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  • Image courtesy of Red Layer Guitars
    Larger than life: Kong Skull Island

    How did ILM make the incredible Kong, a half-man, half-gorrilla credible on-screen, in real environments with live actors?

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See how Maya works with other Autodesk software